The Mark Hanson Collection
DIY EV Hardware

Renewable Energy Projects
Booster-regulator charges a 24v battery from the variable 8v-30v output of a wind machine pdf
Small PWM controller for a woodstove fan pdf
Solar differential thermostat pdf
Two-axis solar tracker pdf
Switch on outside light to partly discharge PV battery to 90% SOC, for next day's solar collection pdf
Log Annunciator - monitors woodstove temperature and controls fan. When the fire burns down to one log, it plays Shel Silverstein's tune Put Another Log On The Fire pdf
General Projects
General purpose buck converter - input 25-30v, output 18v 3a / 12v 250ma / 5v 250ma pdf
Four oscillator designs based on crystal, capacitor, and ceramic resonator references pdf
Pink noise generator to mask ambient noise for a good night's sleep pdf
Stabilizer cleans up DVDs with sync scrambling copy protection (not intended for illegal use) pdf
Muscle Feedback Monitor demonstrates principle of EMG (electromyography) biofeedback devices used by stroke victims, measures voltage in microvolts produced by the brain across a muscle (updated 30 Dec 2010) zip


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